Thursday 26 June 2008

My veggie plot.

Its all looking pretty good at the moment. There has been plenty of rain and sunshine to get these plants on the move. At front are the broad beans, cauli's, cabbage, next row 3 different types of carrot, parsnips and Brussel Sprouts. Next row leeks, more carrots, Swedes, peas and runnur beans.

Something strange has happened to my garlic. I pulled the first one last night and it was more like a leek. It has'nt bulbed but still quite nice for cooking with, good flavour. I think I might call it garleek. The shallots have all bolted but I nipped the flowers off every day so fingers crossed.

Lots of little tomatoes growing in the glasshouse along with cucumber, chilli and peppers.

This was purchased as a cucumber plant but I think there may have been a mix up at the garden centre because these are courgettes or zuccini and one of them is turning into a bloody great marrow. Makes nice soup........

These are red pepper plants in the corner, and should produce some fruit in the next few weeks.

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