Friday, 27 April 2012


Unknown said...

How's that for a blessing! I just left another blog (a member of mine out of Virginia Free State, South Africa) and she posted a beautiful little baby face with something on it as well. Now, I am twice as blessed and my heart has been warmed. This little baby is so beautiful. She looks like she just woke up and is having her breakfast...or should I say, wearing her breakfast, lol. Great pic!

Gordon Mills said...

Hi Kelline, she's my grandaughter Holly, and you are so right, she just out of bed and had her porridge before going swimming ;-)

Unknown said...

What? Porridge? I thought porridge was a fairytale food from the story of the three bears. My goodness. I live under a rock, I do believe.

Gordon Mills said...

Porridge is Scotlands traditional breakfast Kelline, it's made from ground or rolled oats, boiled in salted water for about 10 minutes.
It's delicious served with cream and sugar. It's not unlike what you guys call grits, same idea, started life as peasant/slave food.

Gordon Mills said...

Must say though, I prefer bacon and eggs ;-)